Reducing the risk or development of HAIs of Critical Care ICU patients

Abstract Clinical Problem: Patient’s admitted to Intensive Care Units (ICUs) are critically compromised and have higher risk of Healthcare Associate Infections (HAIs).  HAIs can affect length of stay (LOS), increase rate of mortality and directly affect patient outcome. Objective: This paper will discuss if routine bathing with chlorhexidine-based products in Critical Care ICU patients will…

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Assessment of patient diagnosed with COPD

Focused Assessment ABCs:  ï€ Airways : this patient has an airway obstruction as he has a history of COPD. This patient’s airflow may also be limited by the thick secretions as he has a productive cough. Close monitoring is required to assess his airway clearance, by checking the mouth, monitor the amount of sputum,…

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Prescription Drug Abuse Amongst Teenagers Health And Social Care Essay

INTRODUCTION This project is designed to illustrate the effects of prescription and over the counter drug abuse. It will not only show a comparison between the effects of illicit drugs and prescription drugs but it will also serve to show the significance of the prevalence and effects of prescription drug abuse. “There is an erroneous…

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Adaptation Model of Nursing Analysis

Roy’s Adaptation Model One of the most prominent nursing theories is the Adaptation Model of Nursing, developed by Sister Callista Roy. It focuses on the human ability to adapt to environmental stimuli through our set of systems; biological, psychological and social. The main goal of this model is to live adequately by striving for balance….

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Impact of Mental Health on Nursing Care

The purpose of this paper is to explore mental health and mental illness, considering the relevance of these terms to nursing in general healthcare.  To begin, the terms mental health and mental illness will be discussed considering their referencing in the media and the impact on mental health stigma; and the prevalence on mental illness…

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Critique On Quantitative Research Article Health And Social Care Essay

Critical analysis of research studies is one of the most important steps towards incorporation of evidence into practice (Burns & Grove, 2007). This paper is an attempt towards achieving this goal. The paper critically analyzes the article “Group prenatal care and preterm birth weight: Results from a matched cohort study at public clinics” by Ickovics…

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Effect of Endometriosis on Obstetrical and Neonatal Outcomes

Endometriosis In this essay I will be exploring endometriosis and looking at if endometriosis affects obstetrical and neonatal outcomes. I chose to explore this topic as I didn’t have much knowledge about the condition so not only did, I think it would be interesting to find out, but I thought it is also important as…

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Imperforate Hymen: A Case of Pediatric Acute Urinary Retention

Imperforate Hymen: A Case of Pediatric Acute Urinary Retention Ricardo González in Handbook Of Urological Diseases In Children defines Acute Retention as “… the inability to void occurring in a patient who was until then voiding normally. Chronic retention is the chronic inability to empty the bladder completely. The patient may simple void incompletely in…

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Does Nursing Need Theory

=Do nurses need theory? A question that can be considered on many different levels. If one considers the evolution of nursing over time, one can observe that the nurse of antiquity was arguably as dependent on the prevalent theories of the day as the current nurse. Theory determines practice and theory justifies practice (Einstein paraphrased…

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The Aging Process Health And Social Care Essay

INTRODUCTION The word “Aging” and “Old Age” are highly subjective. “Aging” is defined as the time from birth to the present for a living individual, as measured in specific units (John Anne). The meaning of old and aging depend to a great extent on how old the speaker is and that person’s experiences. The process…

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