Public Health Issue of Contraceptives for Women

The topic within sexual health that I believe public health has ineffectively and negatively addressed is contraceptives for women. Although there are numerous options along with, what seems like, plenty of opportunities for women to get contraceptives easily, there have been and continue to be problems for specific aspects of it. Particularly universal access to…

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Public Health Communication Essay

Influences on Public Health Communication Social Ecological Model The Social Ecological Model is a theory-based research looking at the many different personal, cultural and environmental factors which help in determining our behaviors. The SEM help to further understand the differences and similarities within  personal and environmental factors. This model studies relationships between a person, or…

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Changing Public Health Priorities

Changing Public Health Priorities: Implementing Socioeconomic Determinants of Health to drive Policy Action The “medicalization” of public health systems receives the bulk of funding yet socio-economic determinants of health play an equal, if not increased, role in determining population health. How public health agencies use funding to provide public health services is a huge concern…

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Essay on the Opioid Crisis in the Workplace

Prescription drug abuse has skyrocketed over the past decade, especially from Opioid analgesics, and has become a serious epidemic in today’s society. Despite what some individuals might think this abuse is not only aimed at a small demographic, it could happen throughout all different cultures, upbringings, and occupations, including healthcare. Nurses all over the healthcare…

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The Rise in Opioid and Electronic Cigarette Abuse

Substance abuse is an epidemic that is on the rise throughout the world. It is a tragic trend, a battle against one’s own brain chemistry, and it does not appear to be ending anytime soon. Instead of dying from viral disease, today’s young adults are overdosing on drugs that they initially used to make their lives…

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Health Promotion and Education for HIV

Introduction The prevalence of HIV infections has increased rapidly in recent years in the UK. In 2006, it was estimated that a total of 73,000 people were infected with HIV, with a further new 6,393 cases reported in 2007 (Health Protection Agency 2007). The epidemiology of HIV infection has changed over the years. In the…

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Essay on Opioid Epidemic

Have you ever sat down and thought about how many people you know who are addicted to opiates? Have you ever taken the time to sit with them and understand how their addiction began or what took them to the dark place they were or are currently in? “Every day, more than 115 people in…

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Understanding Diversity in Beliefs about Health

Understanding diversity in beliefs about health Getting your child vaccinated is a choice every parent has to make. There are many attitudes, beliefs and perspectives on the topic. This essay will be comparing and contrasting these views between the two groups of parents, those being the ones that decide to fully vaccinate their children and…

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Literature Review on Obesity Trends

Introduction Obesity signifies an overload total of body fat. If someone’s bodyweight is in any case 20% loftier than what it be supposed to be, he or she is normally considered as obese. If persons Body Mass Index (BMI) is between 25 and 29.9 he or she is considered as an overweight. If a person…

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