Patient Presented To A Podiatry Clinic

This case study discusses podiatric management of a patient presented to a podiatry clinic with heel pain, upon referral from a General Practitioner. A brief description of the patient’s condition, the aetiology of heel pain, patient assessment leading to possible diagnosis and deferential diagnosis will be outlined. This is followed by discussion on the short,…

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Spinal Anesthesia for Cesarean Delivery in Von Willebrand

Spinal anesthesia for cesarean delivery in von Willebrand disease Kevin Koshy Jacob Abstract Von Wiliebrand disease (vWD) is a very common clotting disorder encountered in clinical obstetric anaesthesia practice. This disorder needs appropriate preoperative evaluation to choose the best technique of anaesthetic management. Evaluation needs to be individualized to consider the risk and benefits of…

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Introduction to HIV/AIDS

NAMES OF MEMBERS K.J. TIKISO M.J. MOHOLOHOLO M.R. MATUKA J,M. MOHOLO M.O. MLOTUMI HIV and AIDS outline (Foreword): HIV and AIDs is the most threatening disease which everyone on this planet earth is scared to contact the virus, simply because there is no medication found to cure the virus yet. The disease leaves most of…

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Plantar Fasciitis Patient Case Study

This case presents a 47 year old traffic warden who had pain on the sole and heel of the foot. The patient had previously suffered a fracture in the right big toe, 4 months ago to which no treatment or rehabilitation was given. 3 months ago the client had an increase in road running and…

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Disparities and Obesity Trends

Black-White Disparities in Trends of Obesity and Overweight by Level of Education in the United States Abstract This research paper examined the differences between Whites and Black in the recent trends of obesity and overweight by their educational level. The paper adopted a three-pronged probability and stratified cluster sampling research design in collecting data from…

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The Epidemiology of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

Introduction According to Alcohol Concern Organisation (2015) more than 9 million people in England consume alcoholic beverages more than the recommended daily limits. In relation to this, the National Health Service (2015) actually recommends no more than 3 to 4 units of alcohol a day for men and 2 to 3 units a day for…

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Smoking as a Public Health Issue

INTRODUCTION Smoking is an extremely crucial public health issue which is considered to be an immediate and serious threat to many developing countries across the globe (WHO 2005). Being one of the most significant determinants of increased rate of mortality and ill-health throughout the world, smoking is still a preventable epidemic (OTC 2005). Active cigarette…

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Arguments For and Against the Vaccine

Vaccine Debate Introduction There has always been a debate over the idea that children our newborns don’t need vaccinated. Some people think they give babies deadly diseases that would kill them. Who knows it may or may not be true. In this paper I’m going to go over both sides of this big debate and…

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Impact of Air Pollution on the Human Respiratory System

Impact of Air Pollution on the Human Respiratory System Outline I. Introduction Thesis statement: We cannot ignore the air polluted issue because it is the main reason for damaging the human respiratory system. II. Adults’ Respiratory System Switzerland Residents Rome Residents III. Children’s Respiratory system Embryos The Growth of Respiratory System Respiratory Disease Acute Respiratory Infections IV. Lung Cancer…

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Epidemiology of the Influenza Virus

Hector Lucca Instructor: Leslie Greenberg The influenza virus, colloquially referred to as the flu, is a standout amongst the most well-known infectious processes in individuals of all ages and demographics. The central focus of this paper is to investigate the methodology of disease transmission for the influenza virus. To altogether comprehend the organism there are…

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