The Advanced Practice Nurse Role

An advanced practice nurse is a nurse with advanced didactic and clinical education. Whether they are nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, nurse anesthetists, or nurse midwives, play a pivotal role in the future of health care. APNs are often primary care providers and are at the forefront of providing preventative care to the public. Because…

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Virginia Henderson Theory Of Nursing

Nursing Theory Nursing theories can be applied to clinical situations when caring for patients. To help nurses make effective clinical decisions in providing the best care, knowledge of nursing theories and models are used in their decision-making process. In order to explore a nursing theory, this essay will examine Henderson’s theory of nursing, its origins…

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Madeleine Leininger Theory of Culture Care Diversity

Meaning The chosen theory for this paper is Madeleine Leininger’s Culture Care Diversity and Universality care theory. This theory focuses on the fact that different cultures have different caring behavior and different health or illness values, belief, and pattern of behavior (Rubyks, 2008). It involves the understanding of different cultures when it comes to nursing…

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Womens Health Education On Anemia And Its Dangers

Anemia is a common global public health problem (GPHP) affecting both developing and developed countries with major consequences for human health as well as social and economic development. It occurs at all stages of the life cycle, but is more prevalent in pregnant women and young children in both rich and poor countries. In 2002,…

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The Dangers Of Passive Smoking Health Essay

Passive smoking is breathing in the smoke of smokers, cigars or pipes. Environmental smoke includes the smoke exhaled from the smoker and the smoke emitted from the burning cigarette. Stream smoke from the burning cigarettes tend to wander in the room longer and the concentrations of carcinogens than the smoke exhaled from the smoker. So…

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Impact of Obesity in Society and Solutions to the Problem

Analyse how rising obesity is causing a crisis in modern society, and evaluate current solutions to address this problem . Increasing numbers of obese people in modern society have caused a series of social problems, resulting in greater awareness of the seriousness of the issue. This concern is mirrored globally. The World Health Organization’s 2013-2020…

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Impactance of Comfort Theory in Nursing

Importance of Comfort Theory Comfort is an important outcome for nursing care and research. Katharine Kolcaba Comfort Theory, a middle range theory helps the concepts and reflect in nursing practice. Her theory composes of three purposes these are: relief, ease and transcendence. Kolcaba also described 4 contexts in which patient comfort can occur physical, psychospiritual,…

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Identifying and Meeting the Needs of an Individual Client

Identifying and meeting the needs of an individual client Introduction In this assignment I will observe 3 clients who suffer from memory loss, social isolation/emotional upset and physical disability. I will provide background information of each client, challenges the clients experience and competencies the clients demonstrated. I will also give a description of the current…

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A Disorder That Affects The Endocrine System Medical Essay

The patient chosen to partake in this project is a 54 year old male of Asian origin, diagnosed 8 years ago, at 46 years old suffering from Type II Diabetes. Health Issue Diabetes Mellitus is a disorder that affects the endocrine system, as it is this system that controls and regulates the hormones (chemical messengers)…

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