Case Study Of A Man With Severe Depression

Peter a 40 year old man, had become depressed following some money pressures which had put his livelihood and home under threat. He had been to see his GP who had asked Peter to complete the self reporting Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ9) to aid diagnosis and determine the level of depression. Peter scored 16 on…

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Action Plan for Diabetes Care and Management

Template for Action plan for Case Study – MM What is the goal/aspect of diabetes care/management patient would like you to help them with? MM does not want to go onto to Insulin therapy as she’s heard bad stories of insulin and losing limbs. She is willing to try anything else to see if it…

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The Prevention Of Medication Errors Nursing Essay

Medication errors or adverse drug events are inappropriate dispensing and administration of drugs which cause harmful effects such as liver damage and excessive bleeding. Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs are the most common example of medication error (Porche€ˆ, 2008). Such drugs are usually taken without doctor’s prescriptions thus are prone to wrong dosage or use. For example…

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Case Study on Adolescent Depression

This case study concerns a teenage service user whom we shall refer to using a pseudo name, Katie, to maintain confidentiality in line with the Nursing & Midwifery Council Code of Conduct (NMC, 2015). Katie suffers from a comorbidity of Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) and depression, and the focus of case study is on thedepression…

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Compliance Between The Patient And Medication

Introduction Medication compliance is a significant issue in the care of people with mental health conditions, particularly if the mental health condition is of an enduring and severe nature. The reason for this is that there is an increased likelihood of symptoms returning without the individual maintaining adherence to a prescribed medication regime. Conditions such…

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Traumatic Brain Injury Assessment- Diagnosis and Management

Abstract Traumatic brain injuries are caused by external forces that affect many areas of cognition. These types of brain injuries lead to impairments in many different areas within the brain. Such areas include attention, reasoning, judgment, language, memory, problem-solving, psychosocial and perceptual and motor abilities. In this paper we will discuss the different assessment techniques…

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Reflection on Antenatal Care in a Low Risk Pregnancy

TRADITIONAL SKILLS IN MIDWIFERY: ABDOMINAL PALPATION The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on the learning gained from a clinical experience regarding an aspect of antenatal care in a low risk pregnancy. The reflection per se will follow the structure of Gibbs reflective Cycle and the topic chosen is abdominal palpation. The Nursing and…

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Womens Health Education On Anemia And Its Dangers

Anemia is a common global public health problem (GPHP) affecting both developing and developed countries with major consequences for human health as well as social and economic development. It occurs at all stages of the life cycle, but is more prevalent in pregnant women and young children in both rich and poor countries. In 2002,…

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Identifying and Meeting the Needs of an Individual Client

Identifying and meeting the needs of an individual client Introduction In this assignment I will observe 3 clients who suffer from memory loss, social isolation/emotional upset and physical disability. I will provide background information of each client, challenges the clients experience and competencies the clients demonstrated. I will also give a description of the current…

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