Psychedelics as Treatment for Depression in Patients with Dementia

Psychedelics as Treatment for Depression in Patients with Dementia Literature Review Older adults Aging is an inevitable part of life. Approximately 20% of the population in developed countries is comprised of adults over 60 years old (Wick, et al., 2000). The average life expectancy continues to grow meaning the risk of an individual developing an…

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Impactance of Comfort Theory in Nursing

Importance of Comfort Theory Comfort is an important outcome for nursing care and research. Katharine Kolcaba Comfort Theory, a middle range theory helps the concepts and reflect in nursing practice. Her theory composes of three purposes these are: relief, ease and transcendence. Kolcaba also described 4 contexts in which patient comfort can occur physical, psychospiritual,…

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Leading causes of morbidity and mortality

Abstract Background: Communicable diseases can be the leading causes of morbidity and mortality among population affected by major disasters or public health emergencies. Cyclone Nargis which was the worst natural disaster in Myanmar hit the delta area during May 2008. The objective of this study is aimed to assess the situation of communicable diseases under…

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Effects on the Fetus During Pregnancy

This essay will describe prenatal development, labour and birth. Before getting pregnant women take folic acid, this helps prevent birth defects that can affect the brain and spinal cord. Women wanting to get pregnant will also ensure that they eat healthily and drink less alcohol. Prenatal development is the period from conception to birth, it…

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Physiological- Psychological and Sociological Needs of Patient with Post-Natal Depression

Introduction Pregnancy and parenthood require multiple changes and adjustments which are obtained through, physical, social and psychological alteration. The prospect of becoming parents can impact on women and their partners in different ways and expectations are influenced by cultural norms and societal expectations that a frequently romanticised – particularly by the media. It is essential…

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The Role of a Midwife in Domestic Violence Cases

Domestic violence and public health – The role of the midwife. Why is domestic violence a public health issue for midwives? The latest triennial maternal mortality report (CEMACH, 2004) reveals that for the years 2000-2002 eleven new mothers were murdered, within six weeks of giving birth, by their partners. The report highlights that domestic violence…

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Effect of Formal Transitions on Registered Nurse Retention Rates

Planned Change Theory Problem Definition and Background For the behavioral health nurse at St. Mary Hospital does the use of a formal, comprehensive transition to practice program specialized to behavioral health impact full time registered nurse (RN) retention rate compared to the current informal preceptor program in place? The average hospital is estimated to lose about $328,400…

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Developing Leadership in Advanced Practice Nursing (APN)

Community Group Meeting Observation Health Planning and Policy Development: Leadership Issues Jinyi Kim Hypertension is a major public health problem among Korean population. According to a survey of Korean Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention in 2012, almost 30% of adult Koreans have hypertension. In addition, a stroke triggered by hypertension is one of leading…

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Concept of Family in Contemporary Society and the Framework in Healthcare

“Review the concept of family in contemporary society, describe family strengths as a framework and discuss how it can be applied as an approach to use in health care practice.” When reviewing the concept of family in Australia a contemporary lens must be adopted. Australia has moved away from the traditional notion of family and…

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