Anemia is a common global public health problem (GPHP) affecting both developing and developed countries with major consequences for human health as well as social and economic development. It occurs at all stages of the life cycle, but is more prevalent in pregnant women and young children in both rich and poor countries. In 2002,…
Diabetes Mellitus and Hypoglycemia
Disease classification Diabetes Mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases, diabetes mellitus happen when body does not capable to use insulin efficiently or the insulin is not produce more enough in a person blood. According to Kowalczyk N (2013), this syndrome is related with chronic hyperglycemia in combination with glucose intolerance and alterations in the…
Perception of the Elderly in Modern Society
Aging is the normal process of time-related change which begins with birth and continues until death. These changes include how a person feels and functions with respect to physical or mental competences. It is important for individuals to increase their knowledge and understanding of aging so as to prevent ageist behaviours, discrimination and maltreatment of…
Skills and Techniques Assessing Depression in a patient
Assessment of a depressed patient in at a keen level of mental illness could perhaps be one of the most significant jobs that a registered mental health nurse should deals within their vocation. The significance of achieving the accurate information at this decisive level presents the little scope for mis-acquisition. Sullivan (1990) evidently appraises that…
Psychedelics as Treatment for Depression in Patients with Dementia
Psychedelics as Treatment for Depression in Patients with Dementia Literature Review Older adults Aging is an inevitable part of life. Approximately 20% of the population in developed countries is comprised of adults over 60 years old (Wick, et al., 2000). The average life expectancy continues to grow meaning the risk of an individual developing an…
Case Study and Treatment Plan: Major Depressive Disorder and Alcohol Use
Part 1 – Case study and treatment plan Summary Jacob is a 63 year old man with a history of Major depressive disorder and Alcohol use disorder. He lives alone and has had many failed relationships, leaving him feeling isolated and worthless for the last 10 years or so. He has cycles of binge drinking…
Identifying and Meeting the Needs of the Individual Client
Identifying and meeting the needs of the individual client Annie Mc Donald Client One Social isolation Client Profile Mary is an 85 year old female. Mary is currently in the nursing home now for 6 months. Mary had to stay in care when she came dependant on 24-hour care. Mary lived in the country with…
Comparison of Nursing Theories
Jessica N. Baker The grand nursing theories are too abstract to effectively guide practice, but they can provide a world view. Middle range theories, on the other hand, are less abstract, but are more easily linked to practice. Compare and contrast these two types of theory and how they can be used to inform ANP…
Essay on Obstetric Care for Pregnant Women
Abstract Although pregnancy and childbirth are not of medical origin, respectively, they signify normal physiological events. Women who are pregnant often anticipate satisfactory childbirth outcomes, with no complications during the birthing process. Maternal and Child health is achieved through comprehensive obstetric interventions. While basic obstetric care is available for pregnant women, socio-cultural beliefs are effective…
Determinants And Implications For Focused Antenatal Care Interventions
The coverage of antenatal care (ANC) in many areas is known and there are a number of interventions to encourage use of ANC services by pregnant women. However, for women who attend ANC, it is important that they register at the appropriate time and pay a given number of visits over the pregnancy period to…