History of Chemotherapy and Cancer Treatment Research

An Early Victory A few doors from Freireich’s office at the NCI, Min Chiu Li and Roy Hertz had been studying choriocarcinoma, a cancer of the placenta, which often metastasizes rapidly into the lung and the brain. Choriocarcinoma cells secrete a hormone called choriogonadotropin. The level of that hormone, also called the hcg level, was…

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Masturbation: Prevention and Treatment | Article Review

Jamie Burden Scholarly Article on the Prevention of Masturbation: The scholarly article under consideration is Masturbation: Prevention and the Treatment written by A.Shekarey, M.Sedaghat Rostami, Kh.Mazdai, A.Mohammadi first published in Procedia (A.Shekarey, 2011) as a peer reviewed scholarly article. The article investigates the topic of masturbation thoroughly. The author’s goal was to provide authentic evidence…

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The Role Of Theory And Practice Facilitated By Reflection Nursing Essay

Question “Dewey (1938) stated that all genuine education comes through experience. Certainly, in practice-based professions such as the health care professions, clinical experience should be the basis for learning. To extract learning from experience, we need to create meaning from our experiences as we interact with and react to, them. We cannot allow any experience…

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Norovirus: Strategies To Improve Terminal Cleaning

This paper provides comprehensive background information related to norovirus outbreak and critically evaluate the implications of the issue by expounding on the adoption of infection control measures and effective management practices to minimise risk factors associated with the epidemic followed by terminal cleaning in an orthopaedic ward. The historical background of the infection was specified…

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Communication Strategies for Therapeutic Relationships

This reflective essay aims to refresh critique and develop existing knowledge and understanding of communication techniques and how these transferable skills and approaches can build therapeutic relationships with a patient that lies within the scope of professional boundaries. This essay identifies in a role play video clip the different approaches to building therapeutic relationships and…

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Discharging Older People From Hospital To Care Homes

Discharging older people issue is the most important in today’s environment. Realising this, it is necessary to extract the fact in present situation of the older people. This study explored the experiences of older people being discharged from hospital to nursing and residential homes in the North East of England. While there has been considerable…

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St Jude Childrens Research Hospital

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is a not-for-profit hospital located in the heart of Memphis, Tennessee. It is an internationally recognized hospital that pioneered research finding cures and saving children with cancer and other catastrophic diseases. It treats patients from all 50 states and around the world, without regard to ability to pay, never requiring…

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A Study on NHS Partnerships and Values

Introduction The purpose of this study is to discuss why nurses should show sympathy for NHS partnerships and values. It also explains how nurses ensure that people care and sympathize by establishing therapeutic relationships with patient care users. As a nurse, why it is necessary to consider the legal and ethical issues related to compassionate…

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Critical Thinking Practices for Developing a Patient Care Plan

Student Learning Outcome Four Integrate current evidence-based practices and critical thinking techniques to develop the patient’s plan of care (Ivy Tech Community College, 2019-20). Rationale Registered nurses use a lot of critical thinking techniques in order to provide evidenced based care to their patients. They also use critical thinking to join objective data from assessments…

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The Organisational Behaviour Of NHS

The NHS has grown and flourished to become the worlds largest publicly funded health service. Since its establishment in 1948, NHS is being funded centrally from national taxation, which explains the organisation’s accountability to the Parliament. The following is a report to the Managing Director, which makes comprehensive analyses of organisational behaviour in the NHS,…

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