Antibiotics for Treatment of Acute Otitis Media

The role of Antibiotics for Treatment of Acute Otitis Media in Prevention of Subsequent Development of Acute Mastoiditis in Children Introduction Acute otitis media (AOM) is considered to be one of the most common infections in children. Most of the time it is self-limiting disease without need for antibiotic therapy; however, some children have individual…

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Discovery and Development of Antibiotics

Table of Contents Discovery and development of antibiotics Introduction The discovery Development of antibiotics Safety and environmental issues of the production and the product itself Potential problems with antibiotics Scope for improvement and future of antibiotics Conclusion References Introduction An antibiotic is a single or a group of substances normally got from micro-organisms that hinder…

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Tetracycline: History- Properties and Uses

Table of Contents Discovery and development of antibiotics-tetracycline Introduction Tetracyclines The discovery Development of antibiotics Discovery of tetracycline Safety and environmental issues of the production and the product itself Potential problems with antibiotics-tetracycline Scope for improvement and future of antibiotics Conclusion References Discovery and development of antibiotics-tetracycline Introduction An antibiotic is a single or a…

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Impact of the Overuse of Antibiotics in Antibiotic Resistance and Superbugs

Antibiotics and Bacterial Resistance Rationale The World Economic Forum report claimed that ‘The world will run out of effective antibiotics.’ (Boseley, 2014) The article discussed broadly the link between the overuse of antibiotics and how it would cause antibiotic resistance and superbugs in hospitals, resulting in the death of lots of people. The report concluded…

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Nurse Practitioners Role in Antimicrobial Resistance

Introduction In the 1960’s the Advance Nurse Practitioner role was initiated as an action plan initiative to resolve the epidemic of having enough accessible primary care physicians in underserved and rural areas to meet the healthcare needs of the community of people (Woo, Lee & Tam, 2017). Advanced nursing practice’s establishment into primary care’s role…

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Appendicitis and Antibiotics: An Argument Against Appendectomies

Abstract: Appendicitis represents one of the most common causes of abdominal pain with roughly 300,000 cases reported annually totaling 1 million patient days of admission. Since McBurney first successfully completed an appendectomy in 1889 it has been the main stay of treatment for acute appendicitis worldwide. Upon presentation of abdominal symptoms medical providers categorize appendicitis’…

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Public Awareness for Prevention of Antibiotic Resistance

Abstract This report looks at some of the reasons behind the spread of antibiotic resistance . From the literature four key factors were identified that contribute to antibiotic resistance: over prescription, self-medication, agricultural use and hospital use of antibiotics. This report identifies the factors that contribute to antibiotic resistance and the methods used to prevent…

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Essay on The Overuse of Antibiotics

Rationale The purpose of this research investigation is to respond to the claim ‘Overuse of antibiotics is contributing to the emergence of MDR bacteria.’ With initial research, a broad question ‘How have antibiotics become resistant to certain bacteria’s over time?’ was developed based on the initial claim. This was further refined to specifically consider Vancomycin…

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Clostridium Difficile Infection

Introduction Clostridium difficile generally written as C. difficile is a bacterium (germ). It presents in a small quantity in the gut of many people without harming person. But, when the quantity of C. difficile bacteria increases in the gut, then it can cause infection. The C. difficile bacteria usually do not create infection in healthy…

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Essay on Antibiotic Resistance

Introduction In the pre-antibiotic era, a small cut or scratch was abundant to kill a human being. Delivering a child and surgeries such as organ transplant also took life of many as it often caused bacteremia and septicemia. In those times, sole treatment for communicable diseases was fresh air and rest and people had to…

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