Masturbation: Prevention and Treatment | Article Review

Jamie Burden Scholarly Article on the Prevention of Masturbation: The scholarly article under consideration is Masturbation: Prevention and the Treatment written by A.Shekarey, M.Sedaghat Rostami, Kh.Mazdai, A.Mohammadi first published in Procedia (A.Shekarey, 2011) as a peer reviewed scholarly article. The article investigates the topic of masturbation thoroughly. The author’s goal was to provide authentic evidence…

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Field of Nursing Informatics

Professional Portfolio and Self-Marketing Plan Kelsey Hopkins Abstract “Nursing is a dynamic, evolving profession that presents limitless career opportunities for nurses with graduate degrees” (American National College of Nursing). Today, more than ever, that is evident in nursing informatics (NI). Nursing informatics involves the use computer software systems to enhance and improve patient care documentation…

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Role of Nursing Informatics in Health Care

The Role of Nursing Informatics at Cleveland Clinic Foundation The Informatics system at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation (CCF) plays an essential role in supporting the delivery of quality patient care and to improve patient satisfaction, features that are very important to maintain the “Magnet Status” achieved by the Clinic. As the CCF mission statement highlights,…

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Importance of Nursing Informatics in Nurses Daily Practice

Introduction Data is the basic and the fundamental concept that this study focus on. Since there is no information can be acquired without availability of data (Ahsan and Shah, 2006). The data that we are talking about in this context is the clinical data, which is the data that gathered about patients in practice by…

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Norovirus: Causes and Solutions

Contents Origin and spread of the Norovirus: Symptoms: Transmission in health care facility: Prevention of Norovirus: Preventive measures for spread of virus in health care facility: Early (or primary) control actions: Control of transmission at the ward level: Specific Nursing care for patients: Personal care: Proper hand hygiene: Extra care: Bibliography Essay Origin and spread…

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Effect of Nursing on Stress Levels of Cancer Patients

Does good nursing management can influence the nursing care to reduce stress, anxiety and difficult behaviour in cancer patients as compare to ineffective management plan to achieve better therapeutic outcomes? Search terms that can be used for relevant literature will be nursing management plans for patients with cancer, stress, anxiety, good nurse patient relationship, and…

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Case Study: Adolescent Type 1 Diabetes

Mary is 19 old female as she just come for higher studies in university. She was diagnosed diabetes type 1 at the age of 11. Her objective data shows the symptoms of uncontrolled diabetes. Diabetes have many complication include diabetic ketoacidosis, hyperglycemia, hyperosmotic non-ketotic state, and hypoglycaemia. In Australia 3.2% of female and 4.0 %…

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Teaching Strategies to Improve NCLEX Passing Rate

Yamilka Pichardo Abstract The 5 articles reports different teaching and learning strategies used in nursing students and their evaluation. The strategies described here are based on Humanistic theory, and the author of the five of them uses Abraham Maslow humanist theorist as a reference. Key Words Nclex, Teaching Strategies, Success. Introduction Humanistic Theory as applied to…

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Strategy Proposal for Alcohol Addiction

Propose a strategy to help reduce alcohol addiction based on your knowledge of current prevention, screening or intervention strategies. Introduction Addiction can be defined as a behavioural process that provides pleasure and relief from internal discomfort, however, it includes a recurring failure to control the behaviour and a continuation of this behaviour despite its harmful…

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The Nhs In England Health And Social Care Essay

National Health Service had been created in 1948 and for the last decades it has been facing numerous reforms and structural changes in attempt to raise its effectiveness and competitiveness and to reduce costs. This report focuses on STEP analysis of major external factors and trends that might influence future activity of NHS and shape…

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