Communication in Care Settings

The Croft Nursery school is a chain of day-care centres throughout the Newcastle-under-Lyme area, it takes children from 0-4 years before preschool and has close links with the local hospital with kids need specialised attention for disabilities and medical conditions. Communication is very important in this care setting both between staff and children and there…

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Geriatric Care Available in New Zealand

Introduction Ageing population has out growth its number for years in many countries such as New Zealand that has a number of ageing population. Most ageing population are physically fit and have a healthy life style. But some of their numbers suffers from the most common geriatric problems such as dementia and Alzheimer which cannot…

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Challenges of Dementia Care and Patient Awareness

Abstract Dementia is a controversial issue in the medical field today. Dementia is defined as “a loss of intellectual abilities of sufficient severity to interfere with social or occupational functioning” (DSM IV; APA, 1994). The elderly, especially, have experienced a dramatic shift in overall health awareness due to this disease. Dementia has an impact on…

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Assessing Care Plan Benefits for Diabetic Review Appointments

Abstract Diabetes is a growing endemic and places a significant financial burden on the NHS. NICE guidelines recommend using a patient centred approach and individualised management plan. Annual review appointments with a doctor or a diabetic nurse are an ideal opportunity to address various factors, but the impact can be limited due to time constraints…

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A Review of a Service Users Experience in a Community Hospital

This essay is a review of a service user’s experience in a community hospital following discharge from an acute hospital. During this essay the patient will be referred to as Mrs C in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council Code of Conduct, this is to maintain their privacy and confidentiality (NMC 2018). Consent was…

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Critical Thinking Practices for Developing a Patient Care Plan

Student Learning Outcome Four Integrate current evidence-based practices and critical thinking techniques to develop the patient’s plan of care (Ivy Tech Community College, 2019-20). Rationale Registered nurses use a lot of critical thinking techniques in order to provide evidenced based care to their patients. They also use critical thinking to join objective data from assessments…

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BayCare Health System Evaluation

BayCare Health System was originated in 1997 when many of the not-for-profit hospitals in the Tampa Bay area came together under one name united by a common mission. BayCare Health System joins with the public to a filled variety of services at 15 infirmaries and more than 300-unit locations all over Tampa Bay and Central…

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Intentional Rounding: Implimentation- Use and Effectiveness

Intentional Rounding is a structured approach where nurses conduct checks on patients at set times to assess and manage their fundamental care needs (Forde-Johnston, 2014). As stated by Forde-Johnston (2014) in her ‘Intentional Rounding: a review of literature’ article, concerns about poor standards of basic nursing care have refocused attention on the need to ensure…

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Care Needs for Elderly Patient with Abdominal Pain

In this essay I will introduce my patient Mrs. Jones followed by her case study. After I have briefly analyzed the case study and identified Mrs. Jones care needs, I will pick and focus on one specific care need which from my perspective is key in this case study and discuss how it fits in…

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Reflection on Inter-professional Working Collaboration

Introduction The author will use reflection to demonstrate her involvement in an episode of care to a patient during a clinical placement focusing on the significance of inter-professional working. Reflection is an integral part of nursing training and is also a legal requirement in (NMC code, 2015) to improve practice. Inter-professional practice is the collaboration…

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