Annotated Bibliography: Barriers to Communication in Nursing
Annotated Bibliography
Arungwa, O. T. (2014). Effect of Communication on Nurse – Patient Relationship in National Orthopedic Hospital, Igbobo, Lagos. West African Journal of Nursing, 25(2), 37-49. 107773567
The author examines communication between nurses and patients which plays a vital for delivering quality of nursing care. The author focuses on the result of nurses relationship in patient recovery and to establish the nurses approach towards patient using self-administered structured questionnaire. A cross sectional survey was conducted on eighty nurses and eighty patients by using stratified random technique. The data were collected from nurses and in-patients, which contains demographic and communication data. The study results language and cultural communication barrier between nurses and patients. Moreover, the nurses interaction with patient is essential in order to meet the patient needs. Finally the article concludes by the nurses should need continuous education regarding nurses and patient communication and treat the patient by using the appropriate care plan. The main limitation of the article is large sample size. Therefore, the article is useful for my research topic because it states about the important of nurse-patient communication. Also, it states about the necessary of providing quality of nursing care. (167 words)
Kristiansen, Susanne, Konradsen, Hanne, Beck, & Malene,.(2019). Nurses experiences of caring for older patients afflicted by delirium in a neurological department.
Journal of Clinical Nursing
, 28(5/6), 920-930.doi:10.1111/jocn.14709
The author examines to investigate nurses experience of caring for older patients affected by delirium. The author research focuses on nursing care is vital for prevention and treatment of delirium patients. The nurses focus towards delirium is essential because it helps to provide quality of care to the delirium patients. A qualitative exploratory study was conducted among fourteen nurses in three focus groups. The nurses interpret their experiences, attitudes and perceptions towards delirium patients. Moreover, the data were analyzed by thematic analysis method and it describes about three themes. Finally, the article concludes of delirium patient and nurses relationship, but it may affect due to lack of communication, and it makes difficult for nursing care. Also, the nurses quick workload may affect the relationships, knowledge, documentation and collaboration. The main limitation of the article is small sample size. The article is useful for my research topic because it states about the disease condition of the patient and it describes regarding the importance of communication skills. (165 words)
Sethi, D., & Rani, M. K. (2017). Communication barrier in health care setting as perceived by nurse and patient.
International Journal of Nursing Education
, 9(4), 30-35. doi:10.5958/0974-9357.2017.00092.7
The author examines the barriers in communication between nurses and patient which affects patient’s recovery. A cross sectional descriptive study was conducted on 50 nurses and 50 patients in two affiliated NABH hospitals in Pune. The data were collected by providing two separate questionnaire for nurses and patient in emergency ward, ICU, medical ward and surgical ward. The author assess the reliability of data by split half method and assess validity by asking opinion of experts in the nursing field. The author describe how the nurse patient relationship and communication is establishing, also mention about the language, cultural and environmental barriers. The author examines the effective communication is essential in providing high quality nursing care for patient satisfaction. Finally, the article concludes by raising the awareness and nurses to improving their communication skills by proper training in communication skills workshop and continuous monitoring. The main limitation of the article is small sample size. Therefore, the article is useful for my research topic because it states about the importance of communication skills in providing high quality care. (177 words)
Reference List
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- Arungwa, O. T. (2014). Effect of Communication on Nurse – Patient Relationship in National Orthopedic Hospital, Igbobi, Lagos. West African Journal of Nursing, 25(2), 37-49. Ebscohot. 107773567
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- Kristiansen, S., Konradsen, H., & Beck, M. (2019). Nurses’ experiences of caring for older patients affiliated by delirium in a neurological department. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 28(5/6), 920.930. doi;10.1111/jocn.14709
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- Sethi, D., & Rani, M. K., (2017). Communication barrier in health care setting as perceived by nurse and patient. International Journal of Nursing Education, 9(4), 30-35. Doi:10.5958/0974-9357.2017.00092.7
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