Effects of Policy on Public and Private Healthcare in the United States

Policy plays a significant and significant role in influencing both the U.S. government and private healthcare systems when addressing the problem of health care. Health policy relates to choices, plans, and actions conducted within a community to attain particular health care objectives (Health policy, 2019). An explicit health policy can accomplish multiple things: it describes a vision for the future, which in turn helps to set short-and medium-term goals and reference points (Health policy, 2019). It describes distinct groups’ priorities and anticipated roles; and builds consensus and informs individuals (Health policy, 2019).              Without major health care measures that encourage healthy living, people are not faced with the likelihood of reaching their complete healthy life because they face difficulties in acquiring even fundamental preventive care, let alone care that will assist if they are to become ill with a chronic disease that can be prevented. Policies should establish methods of obtaining and retaining healthcare coverage for Americans so that they can be productive members of society for longer lives because they have adequate access to quality and accessible healthcare.

In this nation, the policy can have a huge impact on government and private healthcare. Policy rules enable healthcare suppliers permitted for facilities, which are the emergency zones, who can give facilities, who will be financed, and how to bill and spend the financial plan (Pellegrin, 2018). Policy on health care implies more than just a policy on health. In five primary respects, public policy affects health:

  1. Creating government goods regulation
  2. Natural resource regulation
  3. Citizen protection requirements and mandates
  4. Support
  5. Chances and incentives are created

(Pellegrin, 2018)

A network of hospitals and clinics consists of the private healthcare industry. Policies impact the private sector by involving the establishment of laws and regulations on issues such as the price of particular drugs and insurance premium costs. Private-sector policies safeguard working Americans from pharmaceutical and other health-related services ‘ excessive or price gouging.  For example, a health insurance company has a maximum amount that they can charge for an annual premium (Alex, Mnuchin, & Acosta, 2018).

Our healthcare system is split into a range of branches, including health information, insurance, and pharmaceuticals (Alex, Mnuchin, & Acosta, 2018). The government-run public sector that includes Medicaid, Medicare programs and the Affordable Care Act program to name a few (Alex, Mnuchin, & Acosta, 2018). Healthcare policy impacts the access and quality of medical care accessible to Americans (Alex, Mnuchin, & Acosta, 2018). One of the greatest impacts is the cost to the American people of healthcare plans, premiums, taxes, etc. (Alex, Mnuchin, & Acosta, 2018). By setting rigid rules and mandates, public policies safeguard Americans. The drunk drive or seat belt laws would be an instance. Public policies can also regulate the use of natural resources to avoid individuals or the environment from being overused or harmed (Alex, Mnuchin, & Acosta, 2018). Organizations such as the Environmental Protection Agency are helping to control water and air norms to ensure drinking and breathing are secure (Alex, Mnuchin, & Acosta, 2018).

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, “Public policies can provide direct support in ways that affect the drivers of health” (Alex, Mnuchin, & Acosta, 2018). The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program can be an instance of this, helping low-income families achieve independence through jobs. For fundamental requirements, they will provide temporary money (Alex, Mnuchin, & Acosta, 2018). “Public policies can reduce barriers, create opportunities, or provide incentives that influence the choices that impact health”, including scholarships to decrease economic circumstances and enable learners to attend college (Alex, Mnuchin, & Acosta, 2018). Education and earnings can strongly predict the future health of a patient. All strategies can have an adverse or beneficial impact on government and private healthcare in this nation.

Healthcare policy plays an undeniable part in health policy framework and execution. The highest priority of health policy in both the government and private industries is to guarantee American people’s health and well-being.



