The Different Types Of Health Care Workers Nursing Essay

Definition of nursing care delivery system is how work is organized, how nursing staff are deployed and who will provide nursing care. Delivery system identify who has the accountability for nursing clinical outcomes and this system will provide the organization, rules and structure that define responsibility and accountability. Registered nurses work in several different settings and have many different job titles, responsibilities, and credentials.

The nursing shortage has historically influenced the types of nursing care delivery systems used in many health care settings, and the shortage continues to drive the search for the ideal nursing care delivery system.

Traditional delivery systems form a framework that can be modified to meet the uniqueness of the particular agency setting; however, measuring the effectiveness of such a system is complex and difficult. The efficiency and effectiveness of any system usually is evaluated by measuring four factors: quality patient care, patient satisfaction, nursing job satisfaction, and cost effectiveness for the health care organization.

There are four well-defined and widely used traditional nursing care delivery systems encountered in acute, outpatient, and long-term health care settings. Each of these systems-the case method, functional nursing, team nursing, and primary nursing- takes advantage of a variety of caregivers with licenses or certifications and different education levels. These roles include the advanced practice nurse, certified registered nurse anesthetist, clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse midwife, nurse practitioner, and the new role of clinical nurse leader. These roles are discussed within the context of each of the delivery systems.

Brief History

During World War II, multilevel training programs were developed to teach auxiliary personnel how to perform simple care and technical procedures. In the military, these trained workers were called corpsmen. Outside of the military, there were 1- year programs developed to teach technical nursing care. On- the- job training programs were established to produce what would today be called nursing assistance. The model of the team nursing was developed after war in an effort to utilize these trained workers and to ease the shortage of nurses that most hospitals were experiencing and decrease the problems associated with the functional organization of patient care. Many believed that despite the continued shortage of professional nursing staff, a patient care system had to be developed that reduce the fragmented care that accompanied functional nursing.

ONE model of Nursing Care Delivery System practiced in my clinical area is Team nursing was developed in the early 1950s in response to complaints that functional nursing created a fragmented care delivery system and resulted in nursing and patient dissatisfaction with care (Marquis & Huston, 2006). Care is given by team composed of registered nurses(RNs), licensed practical nurse ( LPNs) and certified nursing.

Modular Nursing Delivery System is a kind of team nursing that divides a geographic space into modules of patient with each module cared for by a team of staff led by an RN. The modules may vary in size, but typically there is one RN with an LPN and nursing assistant to make up the team. In this case, the RN is responsible for the overall care of the patient in her module.

This team nursing, as originally design, has undergone much modification in the last 25 years. Most team nursing was never practiced in its purest form but was instead a combination of team and functional structure. Recent attempts to refine and improve team nursing have resulted in the concept of “modular nursing”, which is mini-team (two or three members) approach.

This team nursing keeping the team small and attempting to assign personnel to the same team as often as possible should allow the professional nurse more time for planning and coordinating team members. And this smaller team requires less communication, allowing members better use of their time for direct patient care activities.

In this model, most direct bedside care is given by the CNAs while the RNs spend more of their time at the nursing station.

Team nursing mean when a ward is organized according to the team nursing system, the nurses are divided in a number of teams. Each team has to provide care for a fixed group of patients. In the team nursing care delivery system, patients are assigned to a nursing team, which usually is led by an RN. The team may include RNs, LVN/LPNs, respiratory therapists, dieticians, and UAP. Small teams may be assigned to care for patients. These teams include an LVN/LPN and UAP. These types of teams may be called care partners, modular teams, patient-focused teams, or any name that incorporates the concept of a work redesign with the skill mix intended to be used. A typical unit with 30 patients may have a charge nurse, two team leaders, and usually two to four team members per team, but no more than five members per team (Marquis & Huston, 2006). Assignments are based on the acuity of the patients and the skill level and experience of the caregivers (Huber, 2006). The team leader assigns all patients to team members and may delegate additional tasks according to the team members’ competence (Daditch, 2003). The team assignments may sometimes mirror a functional approach to care when the team leader is the only RN or licensed person on the team (Marquis & Huston, 2006). The team leader would assume responsibility for administering all medications and IV solutions to patients on the team and delegate remaining responsibilities to the team members.

Clinical Decision Making

The charge nurse is responsible for assigning groups of patients and caregivers to the team leaders and for facilitating communications between multidisciplinary caregivers. Decision making is delegated to several team leaders versus a single charge nurse, and team members work collaboratively toward common goals. Team leaders are responsible for making the individual patient assignments to their team members. Team leaders plan the care, delegate tasks, and monitor the work of the team to ensure quality. As time permits, the team leader may coordinate care conferences for patients with complex health care needs. Daily conferences are the ideal, but frequently time constraints prevent completion of conferences.


Team nursing is difficult to implement without extensive team communication (Daditch, 2003). Nursing shortages and high turnover among unlicensed assistive personnel can make communication

between ever-changing team members a challenge. Research has documented RN dissatisfaction with communication and teamwork when UAP are used. Research also suggests that how personnel are assigned may mitigate these concerns (Potter & Grant, 2004). Experienced RNs with good communication, organization, and leadership skills are necessary (Marquis & Huston, 2006). Numerous formal and informal structures for communication among team members are available.Written care plans, written assignment responsibilities, and team conferences encourage coordinated care (Yoder-Wise, 2007).


Team nursing has advantages because it uses individual team members’ strengths to the greatest advantage for a large number of patients (Huber, 2006). Responsibility for the delegation of

tasks remains the same as in the functional nursing care delivery system. Unlicensed assistive personnel may not practice nursing without a license, and nursing responsibilities are delineated in the state nursing practice act. All team members need specific role definition and communication skills to ensure that care is not fragmented, because fragmentation of care may decrease job satisfaction and contribute to decreased quality of care. It also has been reported that high-level teams working toward common goals and focused missions can experience increased job satisfaction (Kalisch & Begeny, 2005). Complex, time-intensive training is essential to ensure that team members can function within a team structure and effectively communicate. Clinical nurse specialists and nurse practitioners can provide consultative support in a team nursing care delivery system. The clinical nurse leader role could be useful in

this type of delivery system because the CNL would provide coordination within multidisciplinary teams and provide consistent information to the patient as well as the team. The use of APRNs can complement nursing care of patients with complex needs and provide advanced educational support (Deutschendorf, 2003).

Team nursing


Advantages and Disadvantages of Team Nursing

Team nursing allows members to contribute their own special expertise or skills. Team leaders, then, should use their knowledge about each member’s abilities when making patient assignments. Recognizing the individual worth of all employees and giving team members autonomy result in high job satisfaction.

In team nursing and modular nursing, the RN is able to get work done through others, but patients often receive fragmented, depersonalized care. Communication in these models is complex. There is shared responsibility and accountability, which can cause confusion and lack of accountability. These factors contribute to RN dissatisfaction with these models. These models required the RN to have very good delegation and supervision skills.

Team nursing is usually associated with democratic leadership. Group members are given as much autonomy as possible when performing assigned task, although the team shares responsibility and accountability collectively. The need for excellent communication and coordination skills makes implementing team nursing difficult and requires great self-discipline on the part of the team members. And the patients have one nurse ( the team learder) with access to other provider. They will more easy to patients because they understand about condition patients.

Disadvantages to team nursing are associated primarily with improper implementation rather than with the philosophy itself. Frequently, insufficient time is allowed for team care planning and communication. This can lead to blurred lines of responsibility, errors, and fragmented 8 – 12 hours patient care. The register nurse maybe the team leader one day and a team member the next, thus continuity of patients care may suffer. For team nursing to be effective, the leader must have a good communication, organizational, management, and leadership skills must be an excellent practitioner.

Basically nurse need to understand the positive and negative consequences of each model in order to plan and propose to decision-maker the most efficient and effective way to deliver care.


– Team nursing is a care delivery model that assigns staff to teams that then are responsible for a group of patients. A unit may be divided into two teams, and each team is led by a registered nurse.

– team leader supervises and coordinates all the care provided by those on his team. The

team is most commonly made up LPNs and UAP, but occasionally there is another RN

the nurse is responsible for knowing the condition and deeds of all the patients assigned to the team and for planning individual care. The team leader’s duties vary depending on the patient’s needs and the workload. These duties may include assisting team members, giving direct personal care to patients, teaching, and coordinating patient activities.

care is divided into the simplest components and then assigned to the appropriate care


– aside from supervision duties, the team leader also is responsible for providing

professional direction to those on his team regarding the care provided.

Through extensive team communication, comprehensive care can be provided for

patients despite a relatively high proportion of ancillary staff. This communication occurs

informally between the team leader and the individual team members and formally through

regular team planning conferences. A team should consist of not more than five people or it will

revert to more functional lines of organization.


Nursing care delivery system is to organize the work.

There are 4 methods of nursing care delivery system

Each one has advantages and disadvantages.

It better to mix more than one method in delivering care to patient


